Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dan aku rapatkan tanganku..

a few days before aidilfitri...
i brought her layer cakes..
terubuk and clothes..
that cheered her up..
but more than that, she was happy because its near to aidilfitri...
its time for all to gather.. meet family members..
forgive and been forgiven..
but this year is different.. this boy got something to ask from her..
that maghrib.. we break fast..
so specially.. but i got to be gone a bit early..
to see my cousin in ward..
she reminded me to come to her house on 3rd syawal..

a few days after..
i went to her house again.. she was cheerful..
as usual.. her bro in law came out with many jokes..
and those jokes became the laughing stock in the middle of the house..

3rd syawal, a day before i head back to kuching..
me and my family paid a visit..
it was so special for me..
for her too.. for everyone in both families..
after a great lunch.. her nice lauk pauk and food..
my mom and her discussed future..
near future..
they agreed on a few things.. i felt blessed..
and thats what this boy asked for.. blessing..
at least i walk out of the house..
with a smile upon my face..

today.. its different..
an early Saturday for me..
i wanted to go to an aidilfitri open house..
i turned back home realizing i left my wallet..
on my way back out from the village..
buttercup called.. it was a shocking news..
i hit the break, parked my car by the roadside..
talked thru the phone.. while crying..
made a call.. while crying..
drove my car..while crying..

Dan aku rapatkan tanganku..
reciting Al-Fatihah..

and she will always be remembered.. love

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Selamat Hari Malaysia

The Dwellings : 13

49:13 O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

49:13 Ey insanlar, gerçekten, biz sizi bir erkek ve bir disiden yarattik ve birbirinizle tanismaniz için sizi halklar ve kabileler (seklinde) kildik. Süphesiz, Allah katinda sizin en üstün (kerim) olaniniz, (irk ya da soyca degil) takvaca en ileride olaninizdir. Süphesiz Allah, bilendir, haber alandir.

49:13 O hommes! Nous vous avons créés d'un mâle et d'une femelle, et Nous avons fait de vous des nations et des tribus, pour que vous vous entreconnaissiez. Le plus noble d'entre vous, auprès d'Allah, est le plus pieux. Allah est certes Omniscient et Grand-Connaisseur.

49:13 O ihr Menschen, Wir haben euch von Mann und Weib erschaffen und euch zu Völkern und Stämmen gemacht, daß ihr einander kennen möchtet. Wahrlich, der Angesehenste von euch ist vor Allah der, der unter euch der Gerechteste ist. Siehe, Allah ist allwissend, allkundig.

49:13 ¡Hombres! Os hemos creado de un varón y de una hembra y hemos hecho de vosotros pueblos y tribus, para que os conozcáis unos a otros. Para Alá, el más noble de entre vosotros es el que más Le teme. Alá es omnisciente, está bien informado.

selamat hari malaysia
selamat hari kebangsaan

Monday, September 13, 2010

Going back to Kuching & a challenge awaits

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now

*song by B.O.B

Sunday, September 12, 2010