Saturday, June 27, 2009

at the end of the road...there's a pure bitch

finished most of the things and just waiting for the posting letter to come..
me and my cohort2 friends spent our final day as a teacher trainee in btn
and the atmosphere was full of forgiveness, friendship and auld lang syn..
the boys rushed out to dewan makan and didnt notice about the auld lang syn session..
as usual, people at this point of their life will seek for forgiveness, ask friends to keep in touch and say sorry and kosong-kosong for all the troubles done over thepast six years..
but then.. among the friends there will be a few who couldnt let go.. couldnt forgive and being opportunist enough to do hit and run attack towards their foes..
this story happened to me and buttercup..
while we are defenceless and ready to forgive.. a foe attacked..
and the attack was while we were generous enough to let go the rivalry..
this foe had waited for years to attack and sink our ship..
before btn there was kissm when this foe tried to become friendly..
friendly but firing..
i noted that, buttercup noted that, our comrades noted that..
this foe couldnt make it then, and brought the mission to btn..
got the chance, and fake some forgiveness, and assault buttercup using my name..
fuck that.. the assault was harsh and kurang ajaq..
this foe created an imaginary story and do some kind of character assassination of me..
and we know that easiest way to assassin a character is via sexual elements or something like that..
this foe did that.. pure bitch..
if you are strong enough attack me face to face and dont wait until the last minute for that..
its just that youre scared that we will hit you back..
and now do you think that can sink our ship?
no.. that strengthen our ship and made us more confident in the journey..
after all, tikus akan kentut sebelum mampoih..
that assault is that kentut.. nothing more..
but by that kentut, this foe claimed the title of pure bitch..

for the comrades of cohort2.. thanx for the memories..


  1. Wow...
    be strong bro...
    besa laa...
    asam garam idop...
    mcm2 ada...

  2. tu la onney... orang ni kalo berdendam, mcm2 dia buat...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. haha

    dana the biyatch

    lempang je perempuan pendek tu


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