Thursday, August 27, 2009

a better boring day

27 August 2009
plans are all terminated..
that is why sometimes i would say 'if u fail to plan, u plan for fun'
bcoz sometimes things work out well if we dont plan it.
and sometimes if we plan, things terminated..
now that i'm stucked in IPTAR with nothing to do..
waiting for bukak posa.. and thank god, we invented laptop and internet..
ok now..
sometimes i do prefer dreams over plans
plans based on reality but dreams based on both reality and fantasy..
what we live is reality but can we live without fantasy?
i cant.. therefore i dream..
of many things..
rite now i'm dreaming of food, of coz la dah posa kan..
i dream about ahmediah's briyani with buttercup..
just like we used to do.. every ramadhan.. :(
i dream about the past..
how i used to be in school and hostel..
and how i be where i'm standing right now..
when i was in school i never think of coming to sarawak..
leave alone to work here..
and the times of joy that i cherish most..
night outs with friends.. things that will never come back
i dream about puzzled moments..
when sometimes i was left without a clue of certain things..
times that make me restless..
times that make me indecisive..
times that make me think twice..
times that i just let it be..
times that i just wait..
times that i become defensive..
times like this..
time2 mcm ni la..
ok la, sket lagi dah bleh bkak posa..
saya akhiri dengan serangkap pantun..
nukilan Ian Brown dari kugiran The Stone Roses..
Take me any way the wind blows
You'll never know just what you want to do
Or where you wanna go.. i think its time
That you found what the world is waiting for
I think its time to get real
taken from What The World is Waiting For


  1. Sabar hadapi dugaan...
    X semua impian menjadi kenyataan...
    Teruskan perjuangan hidup... :)


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